The one main excuse I used and hear it time and time again is TIME! Finding the time to fit in exercise, a healthy lifestyle and all the other stuff we feel is important in life. I'm not sure if I mentioned I have three children.
Jasohta 9yrs and Xavier 4yrs and Riley 6months.
Finding time to fit everyone in is a tight schedule, I have Jasohta's Karate, school commitments, Xavier started preschool this year, and he wants to start Karate too. Then there is one on one time, with each child, homework, and not to forget trying to get time alone to spend with my partner. All my family commitments and I found the time to fit in exercise. I just had to say I WILL.

Keeping myself busy all day while the kids are at school, and I'm not talking about housework. I run art and craft workshops for kids. Sew in my spare time and make sock monkeys and other toys for children which I sell online and at the markets when the season runs. All this and I managed to join the gym and go out every afternoon running when my partner comes home from work. Who says I cant make the
time easy peasy.
My Beloved Monkeys you can find these at
The12WBT started on the 11th February 2013. This was a particularly troubling date for me as it was the date I was to return to work after having 7months off on maternity leave. Now it's not that I was worried about the time, I would have during the day to fit in exercises around my already busy schedule. Really it was the lack of sleep I was to have going back to work. Yes I am back to working NIGHTS!!!
The combination of night shift, lack of sleep, 3 children, gym classes, fit box, school, karate, washing, cleaning, and all the other errands of life made me feel very anxious. Not to mention that our household hadn't been the most stable of families, kids at a new school and our confronting issues that needed to be dealt with in our lives. Which I might add had me in a snow storm at one stage, the pre season tasks in the 12WBT are nothing to take lightly. Returning to a full time job the same day I start the 12WBT I couldn't get much more of a challenge there. Or so I thought.

The day before the big event I was organised. Washing all done kids had school uniforms and mine came out of hibernation. Meal plans sorted groceries in the fridge ready to be transformed, exercise plan worked out and times written in the diary. The schedule was complete and everyone was on it. I had already started following the meal plans and was excited about the coming week. I had decided that I can do it all of it and I was dancing on my toes. I felt like I was getting there finally, after ten years of yoyo dieting and weight problems. Then I read the message.
My 12WBT buddy who was to support me through this tells me she no longer wishes to continue on this journey with me.
Heart Broken :(
As I was reading the message these good feelings I had vanished. I wasn't just reading that I was rejected as a 12WBT partner but reading exactly what she thought of me as a person. As my heart sank so did all my aspirations for the coming week. Just like that, everything I had worked on in pre season gone! I didn't know what to do or say so I cleaned, I scrubbed the bathroom, toilet and anything else I could just so that I didn't have to stop and think! Eventually I did have to stop though because there's only so much you can clean in a three bedroom home. Here I was back at the start again, what was I doing ?
I turned to the people who mean the most to me my family.
They gave me all the support and love I needed to get through it. I believe that everything happens for a reason, and this is what was to be. No one else to lean on, no one else to hold me back, no one else to think of just ME! After all this is a journey I have started for myself is it not?
These are the people who inspire me and believe in me even when I doubt myself. I have posted about a weekly surprise in the 12 WBT in a recent post, about a inspiration board. LOVE is what inspires me love for my family and most of all love for myself.
So its a week later I started writing this post 5 days ago, and I have accomplished so much in just a week. I completed every task on my exercise plan, made all the meals and stuck to my calorie intake, and the biggest one of all my own challenge I set for myself. Now this really makes me smile because I am really proud of myself. Saturdays is to be the biggest workout of all week, so I rode my bike to the gym instead of driving this was a 20km round trip and I DID IT! Not only did I do this but also had an hour session on the weights. Yes this makes me smile :)
Returning to work has been excellent, just like ridding a bike, I know my job and I do it well. So all round ending this week I am a more confident, happier person who is excited to see what I can do at the end of 12 weeks.