Wednesday, 24 April 2013

You Inspire Me

This week in the 12WBT there is a thread to nominate the person who inspires you the most.  There are so many strong, inspirational women doing this program, and I honestly feel they all deserve to be nominated.  This made me think who inspires me the most.  I have spoken about my sister a few times in this blog, she definitely inspires me to be a better person.  I love her to bits and we are becoming closer friends as time passes.  If she told you her story you would feel inspired too. 
There is one women however, that I'm sure Jade would agree inspires us both.  She would be our Aunt, our friend, our somewhat older sister.  Felicity Parker.

Felicity isn't much older than myself and I remember when I was younger I looked up to her, like she was the best.  She is the best, this women is strong, sophisticated, and well a trooper non the least.  She was the "cool" Aunty that always made us smile, and we always had fun and exciting times with her.  I am speaking in past tense because this was years ago, and I miss her vibrancy.  Felicity now lives in America, she has been over there for some time now.  The last time I caught up with Flip was Christmas 2009, and she is still the cool aunty years later. To catch up with family was just so great we had a fabulous Christmas.  I was pregnant at the time with my second child, and my weight was a major health issue.  Felicity didn't say one word about it she just told me I looked beautiful and glowing.  Bless her she is a wonderful, kindhearted women.
 This is my family well some of them anyway, and there I am to the left Pregnant with 12 weeks to go.
On the 19th May 2011 Felicity was diagnosed with Stage 1 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma or otherwise known as Breast Cancer.  This shook our family as Flip was overseas with no intention to return to Australia for treatments.  I couldn't begin to imagine how frightening and lonely her journey was going to be. Not having her in Australia I felt very detached from the situation, and honestly helpless.  She was so far away, and its not like I spoke to her every week.  We hadn't spoken for years, but I knew if I picked up the phone she would have been chatting away like time had never passed.  I didn't want to pick up the phone and call out of pity, I didn't even know what to say.  The family already had one loss from Cancer, Felicity's brother Trevor.  Imagine the pain this would have brought back for Flip.  She nursed him through his demons and horrid times while sick and having chemo treatments.  She had seen first hand what it did to him and I quote her,
My brother Trevor passed away at the age of 36, from Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, a side effect of an anti rejection medication. He had a kidney transplant at the age of 21 due to a car wreck. I nursed him for two years while he worked on his physical, mental and spiritual healing while enduring his chemotherapy treatments I would not wish what he went through on my greatest enemy. It was pure torture on his body and stripped him of all his dignity. He truly is a best friend lost; one that I wish was here now to help me through the toughest challenge of my life so far.

Time passes as it does and Felicity has lived to one day tell her story, I don't know much about her journey, but I do know she a strong, courageous, and living.  Through alternative medicines, a clean diet and exercise she has managed to survive.  I can't wait for the day I sit with her and she tells me of her triumph.  I can't imagine the road she has been on and can only assume it's one that no one should ever have to travel.  In the past 12 months I have had contact with Flip.  We skype each other, which is brilliant, as she can see a little snippet of our life here in Darwin.  Just seeing the kids face to face is great, as she has never met my sons at all.  Sharing our lives has been a privilege only I will understand, we have told each other secrets and confided in one another like never before.  I am so proud of her, and thank god everyday for her.  You can read the beginning of her journey here as for the ending well only flip knows.
Its amazing what our bodies can injure and conquer, through all Flips treatments she managed to stay fit and healthy. 

This right here is amazing, Felicity if you are reading this it is YOU who inspires me. You're amazing! I love you.

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