I wasn't sure if I should have signed up for round two or not, I thought I had it all under control hahaha so wrong I needed to sign up again. I mean come on Caley, yes I'm going to talk to myself now ....... You need to educate yourself in order to succeed.
There I said it, I thought I ate healthy and in some ways I did, but I had no idea what a balanced meal was and thanks to this program I am starting to get it. Lets hope... Ten years of yoyo dieting and breaking bad habits is hard. I am so happy that I can filter this new found commitment and nutrition to my children especially my daughter Jasohta.
I recently injured myself the muscle behind my knee decided to grab, and I was down for the count. Nothing serious just strained, but the best thing about this was I stretched today with my daughter, who was actively involved and generally wanted to know what I was doing. This turned into a stretching session together which I thoroughly enjoyed. Jasohta practises karate and know some of the stretches already, she shows me the stretches she knows and I her. Jasohta asked me how I injured myself, when I told her it was doing burpees she thought that was pretty funny until I told her what a burpees actually was. She did about 10 of them.
Having this program to follow and organising my nutrition takes all the stress out of my weight issues. You know I used to look in the mirror and I was in so much denial I didn't see a fat person, for the first time in a long while I haven't the rose coloured glasses on and can see my body for what it is. OVERWEIGHT! I have seen so many changes in my body shape it's amazing, not to mention the muscle tone. My work shirts are starting to look like square tents and I have had to buy two smaller sized pants, with a shopping trip coming soon because the ones I'm wearing now are baggy. I should be so proud and happy but why am I looking at myself like I'm just so fat?
So it's Tuesday night now and I haven't done any exercise since Saturday. I bought myself some anti-flemme cream, which I might add is awesome. I put it on every bit of my body that was sore and I had the best nights sleep in a long while. Having rested my broken spent body I'm now ready for training in the morning.
It seems this post is continuing over a few days as its now Thursday, and yes I went to the gym. I have an extremely sore lower back and just wanted to walk out of my class 20 minutes into it. Thanks to my PT Bec I didn't, she continually pushes me beyond my limits each week. She is an awesome instructor. She picked up that my head space was not right, I didn't even have to say anything, she could see it in my face. I always wonder if I'm pushing myself too hard, where is my limit? Challenging myself day after day and being consistent is what I am to do to see the results right?
So funny to read this and the fact that I didn't publish this and its called "procrastinator" ha just makes me laugh. Enjoy
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