Have you ever come home from a day out and had chaffed legs because you wore a skirt? You know the feeling it really burns and no matter what you do your legs just rub. Well that's not my problem! I have the dreaded my undies are no good for working out and giving me a blazing saddle. Seriously they have pinched that spot that no one has seen, including me for a long long time. So what underwear is going to work because I just can't have this problem persist?
I was at the shops the other day and found myself staring at another lady's bum! This women had gym pants on with a g-string, there was no obvious pants line on her saddle. Now lucky she had kids and I had mine, because the length of time is was starring at this woman's ass was maybe a second to long. I was even creeping myself out! All I could think of was my big ugly granny undies, which were comfortable pre - exercise, and how they just aren't working for me. Now I'm not prepared to rush out and buy a heap of g-strings, I really couldn't think of anything worse.
However I do obviously need to pass up on the "comfy" granny undies which had their place through post surgery.
Someone once told me that the condition of your underwear, is a direct reflection of how you feel about yourself. Now I could take this either way, either I feel stretched, hagged, and torn, or I think that I am so big and ugly! Mmmmmm makes you think about the undies you have on right now doesn't it?
I can't wait for the day I can put on a g-string and feel sexy! Or not have to worry about chaffed legs and rubbing undies! Muffin tops and suck it in underwear. I think it's time to get some "I feel better about myself underwear" because I'm starting to think I am worth it.
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