Thursday, 21 March 2013

A Chocolate Epipheony

So I have been following Annie192 and her blog Finding The Thin With Me after reading her post about chocolate, you can find it here;

I realised I am not alone in this fight of addiction, and there are probably many women out there with similar stories. 

My Blog is entitled Neurotic and Overweight which describes me down to a tee! I recently read an article that talks about a study identifying, if and how certain personality traits might affect weight and body mass index (BMI).  This new study suggests that certain personality traits such as neuroticism, impulsivity and aggressiveness may increase the likelihood that an individual will struggle to maintain a healthy weight.

Oh my this is me I lack the discipline to stay on track, and give into temptation.  Oooops! So apparently other traits associated with greater weight gain over time included risk taking and being antagonistic, cynical, competitive and aggressive individuals were also more likely to be overweight. Oh dear what chance do I have then?

You know I believe that this is not the be all and end all of the journey.  The mindset lessons that Michelle brings with the 12WBT are priceless.  Can they be that good? I hear you say.  The answer is YES.  Understanding the person I am and identifying these traits is the first step towards success.  When I watch her videos it's like she knows exactly whats going on in that moment of my life.  This leads me to one thing, if she is bang on topic with everyone around Australia watching, thinking the same thing, then everyone around Australia is finding the same difficulties as I am. 


So how am I dealing with this new information?  I know that I am this person it explains the last 10 years with my weight going up and down, plus I never finish anything. ANYTHING!! Really I don't, I studied and didn't finish the course, actually several courses.  I have half finished art projects all over the house, and starting new ones everyday.  The only things I have really completed to the end was eating!  Seriously I would finish a whole block of chocolate, that definatly would be half eaten in the fridge.  Also tubs of icecream, anything you name it food food food I would definatley finish food.  How have I said enough is enough?
How have I got to this point where I am loosing weight, saying no to food I know is not good for me in huge proportions?  How come I look at chocolate now and just see caleries?  Why if I miss a workout I feel flat and larthagic, however if I feel tired before my workout I leave feeling like I could climb a mountain? 
Yes its good nutition and exercise, I must admit.  I said in earlier posts that its 90% diet 10% exercise, but I truley believe that its 100% a postive thought process.

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