I am loosing weight on the scales which is a great thing, plus I have lost huge numbers in measurements too. I am so happy about this BUT ..................
OK so this weeks mindset is entitled "Your body is perfect" Yes my body is working perfectly just as it should BUT ..................
I will have all this loose skin!
Seriously, I was a big girl. I have lost a lot of elasticity in my skin from being pregnant, and doubling my body weight in just a few short months. My tummy has an extra flap I could play tennis with and my boobs are starting to look like two cheese singles with raisins on top! My tattoos are riddled with stretch marks, and one isn't even recognisable anymore.
I had cesarean sections for all three of my children, and when the nurse checked on my cut the day after surgery she was horrified to see bruising on my left side. Not being able to move that well and with so much belly fat I couldn't see what she was talking about. It didn't hurt but I was on that many pain killers, I don't think I could feel anything anyway. After a while of her poking and prodding the penny dropped. I said no that's just my tattoo or what left of it I think. She didn't believe me and said no that's a bruise. Convincingly I told her that it really was a tattoo, that used to be a blue rose, but now obviously is just a smudged blur.
Stretch marked smudged tattoos, flat saggy boobs, floppy tummy, what else do I have to feel "great" about the way I look?
But my body is perfect BUT it survived pregnancy and three Caesars, it survived the bad diet and no exercise. It has now adapted to a healthier lifestyle, and survived fitbox classes and the gym. Working full time night shift and looking after children on minimal sleep. Yes it's amazing all right, BUT ....................
But my body is perfect BUT it survived pregnancy and three Caesars, it survived the bad diet and no exercise. It has now adapted to a healthier lifestyle, and survived fitbox classes and the gym. Working full time night shift and looking after children on minimal sleep. Yes it's amazing all right, BUT ....................
Am I going to be happy with the way I look in the end?
Going to my fitness classes there are many different shapes and sizes that attend. Everyone is there for the same reason, and there are some very fit people that go. I noticed the girl I was partnered with today kept looking at herself in the mirror. This was very distracting, the last thing I want to do is look into that mirror at my "perfect" body. Now I'm not jealous or anything, I'm just there at those classes to work my ass off so that one day I can look into that mirror and be happy with what I see. I'm not even sure if there is anything to be jealous about, I feel that these girls are not even happy with what they see. To keep the focus after working a long night shift on minimal sleep, and drag my ass to the 9am class is something to be proud of right there.
What is it I am looking for? Is it that perfect body, because really what constitutes perfect?
Perfect is the three beautiful children I have.
Perfect is the way my partner looks at me like he doesn't even see what I see.
Perfect are the scars I have from growing a baby or three.
Perfect are the breast that fed my children and helped them grow.
Perfect is the smile from my newborn when I enter the room.
Perfect is the love I feel when my children hug me.
Perfect is waking up every morning with no worries in the world.
Perfect is nothing short of a miracle.
Perfect is waking up every morning with no worries in the world.
Perfect is nothing short of a miracle.
When it comes to the way I look, I'm not perfect because.......
Perfect is the enemy of good.
This is a proverb meaning that insisting on perfection often results in no improvement at all.
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